Lesson #37: Start with the end in mind
Write your eulogy
In the famous book by Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, one of the seven habits is ‘start with the end in mind’ — to think about what you’d like to have said about you at the end of your life.
In the Hero on a Mission framework, Donald Miller has incorporated this eulogy into a daily structure that includes reading your eulogy, as well as your 10, 5 & 1 year visions, and your top three goals.
Miller gives advice around writing your eulogy that I found really helpful. Given that the whole process of his framework is around story writing and creating narrative traction, he talks about your eulogy containing three stories about your life.
Three Stories
My first story is around my career and the process of transformation and contribution. My second story is around love, friendship and relationships, and it too is one of inspiring transformation. My third story is around my Cloudscape adventures.
I can feel the power of this process in pulling me through the fear and doubt that tends to slow me down or stop me. It is a powerful process.
Do it yourself
I invite you to do this for yourself. Dream big. Think of three areas of your life that you want to maximise.
Create your eulogy with what you would love to experience.
Then read it every morning.
Watch your life expand.