Lesson #72: Finding your way in an uncertain world

Orly Grace
3 min readMay 26, 2022


A video series by Martha Beck (author/teacher/life coach), ‘Think Like A Wayfinder’, describes a four step process to finding your way in an uncertain world. This process is also described as a way of tapping into, or finding your way perhaps, to your True Self.

The term wayfinder is taken from ancient navigators of the Pacific islands who would travel over huge distances by boat using a finely tuned sensitivity to the environment around them. Subtle signs such as water movements, birds, clouds, and stars would help these navigators to traverse thousands of miles of open water to tiny islands. These open waters of changing conditions — choppy, stormy, dark — are compared to our world today and the need for people to be able to operate despite this time of uncertainty. By thinking like a wayfinder, Martha invites us to consider this time of uncertainty as a wild and fun adventure that can be enjoyable and where you can thrive.

Here are the four steps to adopting a wayfinder’s mindset:

Step 1: Learn to forget

Here you are asked to forget the rules .. the ‘school skills’ of sitting quietly and politely to those who tell you want to do. Instead of focusing on one thing, allow your attention to wander, and see what grabs you. The world is changing and what once worked may not still work. Be in the moment and be open to new possibilities.

Step 2: Tap into the force

‘The force’, as in Star Wars Jedi powers, refers to the connection between things. We’re all connected to everything and we’re all being communicated with all the time. Connect in.

Let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. — Mary Oliver

Step 3: Curious Creation

Think about what you see as the problem — and then go out and play. Here we are using childlike wonder and openness to possibility to find answers to our problems. Martha discusses ‘discoveries’ that happened by accident — like penicillin, potato chips and choc chip cookies. The answers to your problem are ‘out there’ waiting to be discovered. Your sense of curiosity and wonder is the way to find new solutions to problems — solutions that may be waiting to be discovered.

Step 4: Make something

Finally, the act of making something that you can show someone else, of being in the moment, creative and responding to what is present is the final step in this process of finding your way in a wild new world.

inside the geodesic dome

In conclusion

This masterclass by Martha Beck was inspiring and fun, and more than anything was a reminder and validation of my own playful and creative approach to the world which has helped me to come up with some pretty right-brained ideas like my public sculpture proposals. But does this really help me in this moment as I seek to make my dream a reality? Maybe validation is all I need.

But my conclusion is .. let go, open up to all possibility, allow your mind to wander, and be creative. Create something new. Offer a fresh perspective. Let your inner child direct you to where your soul wants to go. Don’t let what has been or what exists now limit what you believe is possible.

We are living in a time of great change and that is a blessing. Seize the moment. Celebrate your wildness.

I’m with you.

Let’s celebrate this wild new world and treat it as an opportunity for global change. After all, the way the world has been going is unsustainable. We need a new world for generations to come.

Let me know what ideas you come up with.

With love,


Cloudscape public sculpture proposal



Orly Grace
Orly Grace

Written by Orly Grace

Orly Grace writes lessons from life to inspire and empower. See her other creations at www.circlesoflife.net

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