Less is more. I know that and yet .. what to do with the excess? Just chuck it you say. Such a waste. More. She doesn’t need more.
So, I have a problem with stuff. And even though I don’t seek it out, it seems I’m surrounded by it. And at Mum’s I felt the pressure of it .. the irritation of it .. too much stuff. “Too many notes” Ian used to say. I strive towards minimalism and yet .. there is always more. No more, I say. I’ve had enough. Walk away. Put my head in the sand. I don’t need anything.
But life is more. It keeps going. Hearts keep pumping and the days follow each other, more is life.
What about less? I ask. Can we pull back .. can we hold off. It’s quality not quantity that is important .. more quality, more time, more space. Yes, I associate more with stuff. But what about a shift in association? More love, more space, more time, more peace. In this way more acquires a new appreciation. Shift your perspective and anything can be seen in a better light .. or worse. So I embrace more, but the more that I haven’t focused on so much. More joy, more laughter, more presence.
In a cup half full or half empty, what is the focus .. the air or the liquid. Perspective shifts open up whole new worlds. The tunnel expands and new outlets are created. I’m writing my life into form, reading my way into presence, finding the purpose in the empty vessel and a destination in the endless void. The world is opening up and also holding me in each single moment.